UFE Alumni Association
The development approach of the new generation is based on a friendly relationship of friends and mutual respect rather than independent and isolated official relations, and then it emphasizes long-term development and sustainable existence. In accordance with such legitimate requirements and attitudes, the creation of an informal (non-profit) network of professional and community cooperation will have a positive impact not only on the members, but also on the business and affairs of the members.
The Alumni Association of the University of Finance and Economy was newly established on the initiative of the school administration and alumni.
Association structure and organization
- A meeting or conference of all members:
The meeting of all members is the supreme authority of the association The board of directors of the association and other policy matters will be decided at the meeting of all members
- Board of Directors:
The governing body of the association consists of 17 members, including the chairman and members. Each member has the right to participate in the discussion of issues with the right of one vote.
- Membership and Branch Committee:
The main direction of the committee will be to expand the membership of the association, to establish and operate branch councils for the purpose of making the activities of the association accessible to remote areas, and to provide them with central management. In a general sense, membership is a responsible structure.
- Foreign Relations and Development Committee:
The activities of the committee are aimed at expanding foreign relations and cooperation of the Union and ensuring the implementation of the development policy of the Union.
- Society and Public Committee:
It is a committee responsible for thinking, planning, and ensuring the implementation of any measures addressed to society and the public by the Union. Within the framework of the goals and main activities of the association, a wide range of activities will be implemented, such as actions aimed at specific social groups, environmental protection, and encouraging young people to engage in intellectual activities.
- Сургалт, хамтын ажиллагааны хороо:
- Холбооны гишүүд /төгсөгчид/, Санхүү эдийн засгийн их сургуульд суралцагсад болон тус сургуульд суралцах хүсэлтэй хэсэг гэсэн гурван үндсэн бүлэгт хандсан сургалт, дадлага, туршлага солилцох гэх мэт бүтээлч арга хэмжээг зохион байгуулна. Мөн хамтын ажиллагааны хүрээнд холбоо болон сургуулийн хооронд үр өгөөжтэй түншлэлийн харилцааг тогтоох чиглэлээр ажиллана.
- Budget Committee:
The federal budget formation, budget spending, and control over it shall be implemented within the scope of its functions.
- Executive Management:
Executive Management consists of the Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Board of Directors and the following members. It includes:
Executive management:-
• Executive Director
• Secretary or Coordinator Accountant or financier
• Chairman of Membership and Branch Council Committee
• Chairman of the Foreign Relations and Development Committee
• Chairman of the Society and Community Committee
• Chairman of the Training and Cooperation Committee
• Chairman of the Budget Committee
The mission of the association is to create and strengthen close, friendly and business ties among the graduates of the University of Finance and Economics, to provide them with opportunities for continuous learning, to create a fruitful partnership between the members, to make the school proud of its graduates, and to be an admirable story for the students. is to imitatePROCLAMATION AND PRINCIPLES
Motto or declaration of SEDSTSH:
'Let the school imitate the world':
- Principles for each member of the association: Be honest and fair person Be professional Be a continuous learner Be active Makes a real contribution to the activities of the association
- The principle of association The Association : shall be based on the principle of fairness, self-governance, service to its members and self-financing